My Story

I was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy; first few hours after my birth. Having had no prior complications or risks, this turn of events was completely unnerving and shocking to my parents. I underwent a range of scans, tests and a stay in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) for the first 10 days of my infancy. I proved to be a fighter right off-the-bat and was called a ‘happy trooper’ by my doctors!

I have been undergoing multiple therapies since I was 5 months of age to alleviate my spasticity, gain strength and balance, improve my gait and posture and overall manage my CP. I have taken small but enduring steps to achieve self-reliance. It has taken me time, patience, discipline and most importantly, ‘thinking outside the box’ to learn tasks from simple ones like tying my shoelaces and buttoning my shirt to the ever challenging ones like running cross-country and playing golf. I have been blessed to have had an extraordinary, driven and compassionate team of Neurologists, Paediatrists, Orthopedists, Prosthetists, Physical and Occupational Therapists, Coaches, Teachers, Friends and most importantly, my Parents who have helped me in my journey with CP and I am forever grateful to them.

I have developed CP Thrivers as a platform for others with CP to feel empowered and overcome their daily challenges and lead happier, healthier lives. I have shared videos of the exercise programmes that have helped me over the years, to benefit as a visual guide to others with CP. I want to spread positivity through the inspiring stories of so many who have embraced their diagnoses and charged on, fulfilling their dreams.

For larger impact, CP Thrivers aims to create a global community of advocates and supporters by creating awareness about Cerebral Palsy.

The power of the mind is limitless!
— Arjun Sood | Founder, CP Thrivers

Dream. Work. Accomplish.


Dream. Work. Accomplish. |